Parish Council AGM
The 2nd AGM of the Glenties Parish Council will take place on Thursday October 23rd in the Highland Hotel, Glenties. It is hoped that there will be a large attendance.
Over the past two years the Parish Council have lobbied to have a new health centre built, this project has progressed with the support of our elected representatives. We continue to lobby to have a new sewerage treatment facility built for Glenties. While this project has made some progress we need to continue to highlight the inadequacy of the existing system. We have made representations on behalf of certain roads, footpaths, water schemes and public lighting with considerable success. We continue to support all other local committees in any way we can.
In light of the fact that there will be Local Elections in 2009 and the bleak economic outlook it is very important that we have a strong committee and have the parish well represented. It is the experience of the Glenties Parish Council that when representation is made by the Council to Council Officials, Councillors, or Public Representatives it carries more weight than individual representation.
So please come and attend the A.G.M. and inject some new blood/ideas into the Glenties Parish Council