Glenties Notes 12th November 2008
Congratulations to Denise and Cathal Campbell, Silverhill on the birth recently of their first child, a baby girl (Róisa Marie).
Sincere sympathy is extended to Sean Boyle and family, Ard Patrick, Glenties, on the death recently in London of Sean’s brother Donal. Burial took place in Kilcar on Friday last.
Sincere sympathy is extended to Majella Boyle and family, Narin Road, Glenties, on the death of Majella’s mother, Rose Sheridan which took place last week in Co. Cavan.
Sincere sympathy is extended to Peggy Mc Dyer and family, Dr. Mc Closkey Crescent, Glenties on the death of Peggy’s sister, Vera Hickey, which took place last week in Ballina, Co. Mayo.
Sincere sympathy is extended to the Byrne Family, Maas, Glenties, Packie, Mary, James and Leo, Nora, Donegal, on the death in Wales on Saturday 8th November of their brother, Michael; also to all the relatives and friends.
The winners of last week’s Bingo on Tuesday 4th November in the Community Centre, Glenties were – Jackpot €400 was won by Kathleen Boyle, Portnoo. Bella O’ Donnell, Cathleen Mc Shea, Nan Gallagher, Jessica Gallagher, Burtonport, Nellie Doherty, Ard Mc Gill, Evelyn O’Donnell, Ardara. Nora Gallagher, Rosha Campbell, Fintown, Maura Kilbane, Ardara and Brown Kid, Kilcar won €100 each. Maretta Mc Cahill, Marie Boyle, Bríd Brennan, Chelsea Bennett, Mary Furey, James Quinn, Cloghan, Margaret Gillespie, Glenties, Fay Moore, Portnoo, and Brown Kid, Kilcar won €50 each. Lydia Mc Gowan, V. Ward, Fintown, Shirley Campbell, Glenties and Nellie Doherty, Ard Mc Gill won €25 each. Your continued support is greatly appreciated.
The Glenties Community Alert will hold their Annual Church Gate Collection in Glenties and Edeninfagh on Saturday 15th and Sunday 16th November.
This collection is used for the purchase of Socially Monitored Alarms and other items of Security for older people.
Ionad Pobail agus Spoirt Naomh Mhuire Teo:
The committee would like to thank everyone who supported us on the Harvest Fair Day in our fund raising effort. The winner of the Nintendo Wii was Brendan Gallagher from Rosbeg and the winner of the €100 in the ‘guess the number of balloons’ draw was Bredge Mc Grath, the Rock, Glenties.
The Sacrament of Baptism is the Theme of our Family Mass next Sunday 16th November at 11.00 a.m. A reminder to the parents who have received letters that a meeting will take place at 8.30 p.m. on Saturday 15th in the Church.
The new swimming session begins in the New Year. These swimming sessions will be in the Ballyshannon Leisure Centre on Tuesday nights from 6.00 – 7.00 p.m. More travel details will be available closer to the time. Beginners and more able swimmers will have the opportunity to achieve their water safety badges. Forms are available in the Paper Stop, Glenties and Present Day, Ardara. Forms to be returned there by Wednesday 19th November. Children aged 7 in this school year and upwards may apply.
The Glenties Parish Council AGM will take place in the Highlands Hotel this Thursday 13th November at 9.00 p.m. Please come along to this meeting as we need new members to continue the important work of the Parish Council.
The Management and staff of the Glenties Playschool and Afterschool would like to thank Hugh Breslin who raised €591.50 when he completed the recent Dublin City Marathon. Thank You.
The Rehab Collection which was taken up in August amounted to €837.74. Many thanks to all those who supported this cause.
The Association’s national fundraising Angel Campaign is taking place on Friday 14th November. I.W.A. Angel Pins will be sold nationwide for €2.00 and monies raised will help to fund services for the 20,000 member throughout the country.