Glenties Notes 2nd July 2010
Pioneer News
Fr. Shane Gallagher C.C. Glenties and Diocesan Spiritual Director presented Golden and Silver Jubilarian Emblems and Certificates to eligible members of the Pioneer Total Abstinence Association during Mass in St. Connell’s Church, Glenties on Friday 18th June. Those who received Gold were – Hugh Gallagher, Loughcrillan Road, Connell Mc Loone, Glen Road, John Hegarty, Ard Patrick, Breid Mc Loone, Main Street, and Mary Ellen Bonner, Glen Road. Silver was received by Marie Bonner, Buncrubog. Refreshments were served in the Highlands Hotel afterwards.
New Arrival
Congratulations to Mary and Gerard Mc Nelis, Kilclooney on the birth recently of their third child, a baby brother (Oran) for Alana and Katie. Mary is a daughter of Zita and the late Seamus Mc Closkey, Main Street, Glenties.
Sincere sympathy is extended to the relatives and friends of Kitty Quinn, Fintown who died recently in Dungloe Hospital.
Sincere sympathy is extended to the relatives and friends of Bridget Carbery, Meenmore East, Fintown who died in Dungloe Hospital at the weekend.
Winners at the Bingo in the Community Centre, Glenties on Tuesday 22nd June were – Rosemary Whelan won the Jackpot of € 400. Mrs. Gallagher, Main St. Glenties, Faye Moore, Cathy Connell, Denise Maguire, Liam Battley, Mary Breslin, Mary Kate Byrne and Bernadette Mc Devitt won € 100 each. Maura Kilbane, Anne Furey, James O’ Donnell, Keadue, Breege Gallagher, Rosbeg, Jean Boyle, Ardara, Cathy Connell, Patricia Whyte, Noreen Mc Devitt, Eileen Gallagher, Bernadette Mc Devitt and Sarah Mc Glynn won € 50 each. Rose Mc Groarty, Frosses, Michael Langan, Willie and Patricia and Fiona Gallagher won € 25 each.
Playgroup Collection
Thank You to everyone who contributed or helped out in any way with the Glenties Playgroup Church Gate Collection. The amount raised was € 487.50. Your support was greatly appreciated.
Donegal Hospice
The Church Gate Collection for the Donegal Hospice will be taken up before all the Masses next weekend – Saturday 3rd and Sunday 4th July.