Glenties Notes on April 7th 2005
Congratulations to Hughie Gallagher, St. Riaghan’s National School, Drimnacrosh, who was the overall winner in the Ulster Bank Christmas Card competition. Hughie won a trip to Euro Disney for himself and his family. He is a son of Joe and Mary Gallagher, Derries, Glenties.
Sincere sympathy is extended to Michael Fitzgerald, Dr. Mc Closkey Crescent, Glenties on the death of his aunt Marian O’ Donnell, Dunkineely, which took place last week.
An Ráth Drama Group presents ‘Troubled Bachelors’ (3 act comedy) by A.J. Stanley in the Methodist Hall, Ardara on Wednesday 13th Thursday 14th and Saturday 16th April at 9.00p.m. Admission is €8 for adults and €4 for Children and OAPs.
You still have a chance to see ‘Tea & Sympathy’ a comedy by Paula Mc Mullan presented by the Iniskeel Drama Group in the Iniskeel Hall, Portnoo next Saturday 9th April.
A Training Course for local actors / drama groups who would like to be trained in Acting for Camera will take place in the Radisson hotel, Letterkenny on Saturday and Sunday 16th & 17th April. For enquiries and bookings ring 074 91 26994.