Glenties Notes on August 26th 2004
The wedding of Helen Boyle and Shaun Conaghan was celebrated in St. Connell’s Church, Glenties on Saturday 14th August 2004. Helen is from London and is a daughter of Chris (originally from Derries, Glenties) and Anne Boyle (originally from Aranmore) London. Shaun is a son of Paddy and Maggie Conaghan, Aranmore. Fr. John Mc Loone P.P. Frosses officiated and celebrated Nuptial Mass. The bride was given away by her father and was attended by her friend Jennifer Smith and her cousins Elaine and Siobhan Boyle. Dermot Conaghan, brother of the groom was bestman and Terry Conaghan his cousin and Michael Gallagher a friend were groomsmen. Harley Rossi and Chloe Mc Loone were flowergirls. Readings were by Angela Conaghan, sister of the groom and Donna Boyle, cousin of the bride. Donna Rodgers and Monica Gallagher friends of the bride and groom read Prayers of the Faithful. Both mothers brought the Gifts to the Altar and the ushers were Brian Boyle and Michael Gallagher brother and cousin of the bride. Music was by Deirdre Mooney and Lisa Philibin. The reception was held in the Highlands Hotel, Glenties and the honeymoon is being spent in the Maldives. Best wishes to Helen and Shaun for their future happiness.
Newly ordained Fr. Paul Gallagher, who is helping out in the parish, gave his Blessing to a big number of people after 11a.m. Mass on Sunday.