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Minutes of Parish Council Meeting 10th April 2008

The meeting was opened by the Chairman. The minutes of the previous meeting were read, proposed and seconded.


Terence Slowey

Old Fire Station

The point was raised that new fire station has a debt and one way the Council could sort this is by selling the old fire station

Health Centre

A press release from Pat the Cope was read. The design team has now been appointed and the team will now immediately set about getting plans. The construction is to commence beginning of 2009 and to finish within the year.


Eileen Burges / Ciara Donaghey is to meet with the Community Centre Committee about the use of the centre for the library. Martin Breslin mentioned lobbying for a broader project with a library in the middle as it’s hard to get money for a standalone project. Martin proposed forming a committee to move forward the idea of a family / resource centre with a library.

A letter is to be sought form the Council to say that the fire station is for the library and will not be sold.

Short term there is still a need to get the library back. It was felt that this would not hamper the bigger picture of getting a family / resource centre. The old fire station and public toilets would then be a good site for the bigger project incorporating library, resource centre, toilets and meeting rooms. To find out from the community is there a need for something like the Dolmen Centre. A survey is to be distributed by Martin and Chris and the results to be returned hopefully for the June meeting.

Martin has a small group together. This type of project would take 3-5 years. Enquires will be made to the County Council about handing over the public toilet. The County Council would need to be in cooperation with the group on this if possible.


Paddy was been speaking to Terence Slowely. All roads that there are problems with should be brought to his attention and he will try and get something done.

Public Toilets

County Council to look about getting paint, no further update


There is a Civic Garda but all guards are encouraged to get involved in the community.

Drug meeting: only 7-8 parents attended. Janet Dean is holding a class and the 8-8 parents have joined.

The Gardaí have some contact with the ethnic minorities and will get more information.


James had noted there are 7 lights not working. Paul Doherty was to fix last week, apologising for the delay. James to be contacted tomorrow and they will be fixed.


No update

Famine Graveyard

Letter is to be sent to John Hegarty Exe. Engineer outlining how many signs are wanted and where they are to go. Tidy Towns will probably have a say on the sign type. The sign on the bridge has been cleaned up by the tidy towns committee. The point was raised that if you have Irish on the sign there is a 50% grant.

Tidy Towns

All the businesses in the town have been approached and there is good support. There is a Meeting tomorrow night at 7:30 in relation to same. They are still very disappointed with the attitudes of the county council. County Councillors have been invited but not to have a platform just to listen.


Nothing to report

Ethnic Minorities

Gardaí are in contact with leaders for ethnic minorities to get more information


Harvest Fair

Issue of McGurks and a new site as the old site seems very small and has the potential for accidents. Chapel car park was mentioned but the Harvest Fair Committee confirmed that they have already tried and it has been rejected. The new car park at the side of the new gym at the comp this to be looked into.

The Gardaí were commended for the traffic control last year and hope that the same will be in place this year.

Pedestrian Crossing

Again no decision was made in relation to new crossing at the comp. Brian Connon said that bigger towns haven’t got one.


Committee is at the last stages. Site hasn’t been transferred over to the County Council so this has delayed things but should be transferred within the next week. Money still hasn’t come through. As much work as possible being done before the site is handed over to be finished. There was a problem with the sewer at the site and the playground committee replaced at their expense.

The question was raised if the site would be tidy for the tidy towns. Martin to find out what they have to do and what the county council so that there won’t be any overlapping. It will become County Council property in the near future so it will be in their hands after that.

It’s not likely that it will be finished this summer. Martin is pushing Enda and the County Council to get ahead of other applicants as the site is ready to go where as other applicants are still looking for funding. The Tidy towns committee are not happy with this because of the 50th celebrations and the state of the site. The Parish council to write to the County Council to set the wheels in motion to try and get done before the 50th Celebrations.

Francis advised that a sign could be put up “that it’s under construction”. This would then mean that in relation to tidy town it would be taken in consideration.

Playground committee and the tidy towns to meet

Church Road Industrial Units

Grant has been confirmed and will be in within a few days. ESB still not installed. When the ESB gets connected it will still take 6 weeks to finish. When power goes on there is a grant for ESB €25,000. It’s going at a snail’s pace but getting there. More funding to be sought form community groups as there is a shortfall of €23,000 – €40,000.

There are currently 3 people for units and 1 for office space. The units are suitable for small manufacturing.

Better update for the next meeting


It was asked if there was any update on getting the traders to participate in the the parish council.

ESB Pole

There is a pole falling down on the station road. This is a safety issue and should be replaced. James is to chase up.

Lights on bridge

A sub committee is to be set up regarding same. Paddy has obtained plans.


Next meeting Thursday 8th May at 9:00 in Highlands Hotel


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