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Glenties Notes 21st November 2007

Maria Mc Loone and Stephen Mc Dermott were married in St. Connell’s Church, Glenties on Saturday 10th November 2007.  Fr. John Mc Loone assisted by Fr. Pat Prendergast officiated and concelebrated Nuptial Mass.  Maria is a daughter of John and the late Bridie Mc Loone, Main Street, Glenties and Stephen is a son of Michael and Margaret Mc Dermott, Cappry, Ballybofey.  Her father gave the bride away and she was attended by her sister, Breid Mc Loone, her friends, Caroline Cannon and Mary Byrne.  The groom’s cousin, Gareth Martin was bestman and two other cousins, Gavin and Barry Mc Dermott were groomsmen.  Brooke Ramshaw, God-daughter of the groom was a flowergirl and the groom’s cousin, Mark Stewart was a pageboy.  Readings were by Paul Francis, cousin of the bride and Anne Ramshaw, aunt of the groom.  Laura Haytman and Teresa Francis, cousins of the bride, Natasha Stewart and Jamie Doherty, cousins of the groom read Prayers of the Faithful.  The Gifts were brought to the Altar by the groom’s mother, Margaret and Patricia Boyle, cousin of the bride.  Kevin and Stephen Meehan, Maria’s cousins were Altar Servers.  Music and singing was by Pat and John F. O’ Donnell and Sinead Finn.  The reception was held in The Mill Park Hotel, Donegal Town and the honeymoon is being spent on a Caribbean Cruise.

Congratulations to Noreen, daughter of Noel and Bridie Conefry, Mill Road, Glenties who recently got engaged to Kevin Mc Monagle, Quigley’s Point.

Congratulations to our U / 21 Team who retained their County Title on Sunday in O’Donnell, Park, Letterkenny when they defeated Ardara in the County Final.  Well Done Lads!                        

A meeting will be held to discuss the Youth Club on Friday 23rd November in the Highlands Hotel at 8 p.m.  All parents who were at the registration night are asked to attend.

Please note that, as of this week the Group will meet on Friday mornings starting this Friday morning – 23rd November, in the Day Centre, Dr. Mc Closkey Crescent, from 10.30a.m. until 12.30p.m.  All are Welcome.

Cllr. Terence Slowey is pleased to state that upgrading of the following Roads in the Glenties area have now been agreed as part of the 2008 Roads Programme.  1. Main Glenties / Fintown Road from the timber factory at Shallogans towards Fintown for 2.5 km at an approximate cost of 90,000 Euro.  2. Stracastle – Graffy – From the Graffy Bridge towards the Dry Arch for a length of 2 km at a cost of approximately 33,000 Euro.  3. Strasallagh – From Tighe’s Bridge towards Meenahalla for 1.5 km at a cost of 22,500 Euro.  4. Buncrubog – From Tighe’s Bridge towards Glenties for approx. 1 km at a cost of 25,000 Euro.  5. Kilkenny – From the Statue of Liberty towards the school for 1.5 km at an approximate cost of 25,000 Euro.  6. Largnalarkin – From Ballinamore V.S. towards Kingarrow for 2 km at an approximate cost of 35,000 Euro.  Community Involvement Scheme for the Ardara / Glenties / Downstrands area for Roads Allocation – 40,000 Euro.  This is the first year of this provision and the details of this will be worked out at a meeting of the councillors and Road Engineers early in 2008.  The National Roads Authority Allocations and the Regional Roads Allocations together with Gaeltacht funding will be announced separately in 2008.


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