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Glenties Notes 11th April 2012

Sincere sympathy is extended to the family, relatives and friends of Sylvia Briody, The Rock, Glenties, who died last Thursday 5th April and was buried in Glenties on Easter Sunday 8th April.

Sincere sympathy is extended to the family, relatives and friends of Mannix Boyle, Mill Road, Glenties, who died at his home and was buried after Requiem Mass on Good Friday 6th April.

Winners at the Bingo in The Community Centre, Glenties on Tuesday 3rd April were – Mary Mc Mahon, Fintown won the Jackpot of €400; Isobel Mc Loone won €150; Brenda Reid, Kate Mc Cole, Dungloe, Carmel Fitzgerald, Sally Mc Guigan, Kathleen Mc Gill, Nancy Mc Gill and Fiona Gallagher won €100; Anthony Burke, B. Doherty, Fintown, Bridie Gallagher, Terence Breslin, Sean Carr, Bridie Mc Dermott, Leticia Doherty, Breda Gallagher, Leticia Doherty and Mary Duddy won €50; Patricia White, Sean Maloney and Lisa Coughlan won €35; Mary Kennedy and Sally Mc Grenra won €25 and Eileen Gallagher won €20.

The St. Vincent de Paul Society Church Gate Collection for Uganda amounted to € 595. The Society wishes to thank everyone who contributed.

First Aid Course
There will be a Paediatric First Aid Course held in Glenties soon. This is a One Day Course and will be held on a Saturday or Sunday depending on numbers and dates available. If anyone is interested please contact Patricia on 087 9715723. The cost will be €45.

Preparation Programme for First Holy Communion
The Parish Based Preparation Programme for First Holy Communion called “Do This in Memory” will continue on Sunday 22nd April at 11 a.m. Mass.


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